The International


Interpol agent Louis Salinger (Clive Owen) and Manhattan Assistant District Attorney Eleanor Whitman (Naomi Watts) are determined to bring to justice one of the world’s most powerful banks, the International Bank of Business and Credit which funds terrorist activities. Uncovering illegal activities including money laundering, arms trading, and the destabilization of governments, Salinger and Whitman’s investigation takes them from Berlin to Milan, where the IBBC assassinates an Italian prime ministerial candidate. Following a lead on the assassin to New York City, Salinger is involved in a gunfight in the Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum. An ally of Salinger’s in the NYPD tracks down the assassin’s handler Wexler, who helps Salinger reach Istanbul, where the CEO of the IBBC is conducting an arms deal. Both Wexler and Skarssen are killed by a hitman contracted by Enzo and Mario Calvini to avenge their father’s murder by the bank. However, during the credits, it is indicated that the bank continues with its plans and is successful, regardless of the death of its CEO.


Someone needs to find the person that put together the trailer for this film and arrest them form is leading the audience. This is not the action packed film the trailer leads you to believe, but rather a serious suspense drama. Having said that, I don’t want to give the impression that this film is not worth watching.

I’m not a regular fan of films in this genre. They just don’t usually appeal to me, but as I was watching this picture, I found myself riveted, intrigued, and on the edge of my seat. The twists and turns, along with the little bit of action here and there, keep the viewer’s interest, while the drama of the business end of things leaves you scratching your head. Speaking of scratching you head, the final scene, and subsequent end titles, will leave you either wanting a sequel or wondering if that really was it.

Clive Owen is more than capable of better work than this. I’m not sure if its the story/script or what, but he just seems to be uncomfortable here, kinda like he’s just going through the motions and took the role for the paycheck.

Naomi Watts no doubt took this role with the intent of doing something that would focus on her acting rather than her beauty and sexuality. In that aspect, she succeeded. She is just another face on the screen, but I’m of the belief that if you’re going to get a big name actress like Watts, you need to justify giving her the big bucks by giving them a good amount of screentime. Naomi is Clive’s supporting actress, even though she gets major billing here. She’s in very few scenes, but those scenes that she is in are pretty good and convincing.

To sum things up, this is not a bad film, it was just marketed as something it wasn’t. The acting isn’t the best, but it isn’t the worst. The story isn’t bad, but it isn’t executed to its full potential. I think that is partially due to the preconception that this was going to be an action flick. The one big action scene, which isn’t climactic, isn’t bad, but I’ve seen better. After saying all that, I will say that it is worth watching.

3 out of 5 stars

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