Archive for Napoleon Dynamite

Napoleon Dynamite

Posted in Comedy, Movie Reviews, Spoofs & Satire with tags , , , , , , on December 29, 2008 by Mystery Man


Napoleon Dynamite (Jon Heder) is a high school student from Preston, Idaho who lives with his Grandma, his brother Kip and their pet llama, Tina.

Kip Dynamite (Aaron Ruell) is an unemployed 32-year-old who boasts of spending hours in Internet chat rooms with ‘babes’ and training to be a cage fighter. Napoleon daydreams his way through school, doodling fantastic magical creatures and getting bullied. Grandma is admitted to a hospital after she has a dune riding accident while visiting friends.

Believing her grandsons cannot be trusted to look after themselves, she asks Uncle Rico (Jon Gries) to stay with them while she recovers. Uncle Rico is a middle-aged failed American quarterback who lives in an orange 1975 Dodge Santana campervan and is stuck in the year 1982 (a fact which caused a breakup with his girlfriend). His presence, although increasingly irksome to Napoleon, is a boon to Kip as he and Uncle Rico embark on a joint project to become door-to-door salesmen selling a Tupperware-like product. Kip reveals that he would like to earn some money to enable him to meet his new Internet girlfriend from Detroit, Lafawnduh Lucas (Shondrella Avery). Uncle Rico is not averse to using Napoleon’s name to gain credibility in his attempts to sell herbal breast-enhancement products to Napoleon’s school mates, causing increasing friction between Uncle Rico and Napoleon.

As the plot progresses, Napoleon makes two new friends from high school, Deb and Pedro. Deb (Tina Majorino) is a shy and sensitive girl who seems to take a liking to Napoleon. The two have a fight however, when Uncle Rico attempts to sell her breast-enhancement herbs and implies that Napoleon suggested it. Pedro (Efren Ramirez) is a transfer student from Juarez, Mexico, who promptly decides to run for class president against the popular ‘babe’, Summer Wheatly (Haylie Duff). Despite a couple of hiccups, the campaign goes well right up until the time Pedro is just about to deliver his final speech at which time he realises that each candidate has to perform a skit afterwards. Having not prepared any such routine, a despondent Pedro gives a short speech believing that his candidacy is over. However, Napoleon displays uncharacteristic quick-wittedness by giving the tape in his Walkman to the sound engineer and performs a well-rehearsed, energetic dance routine, which wins a standing ovation from the school audience.

The film closes out with a montage of scenes showing a happy ending for all concerned. Pedro wins the class presidency. LaFawnduh, having journeyed from Detroit to visit Kip, is immediately smitten. After she transforms Kip’s fashion, they leave town together. A fully recovered Grandma returns and has clearly missed Tina, the llama, more than her grandchildren. Uncle Rico’s girlfriend, who is mentioned earlier in the movie when Rico and Kip are eating lunch, returns to Rico and his van, as well. And finally, Napoleon is playing tetherball by himself until Deb shows up and starts playing with him, having forgiven her friend.

A post credits scene reveals Kip and LaFawnduh getting married.


It took me forever and a day to finally see this film the first time. Seemed like everyone I knew had seen and was talking about it. A couple of years later, I finally saw it and loved it. To this day it is still one of my favorites.

This is one of those independent films that doesn’t have any big stars. I think the biggest name is Haylie Duff, and she’s known more for being Hilary’s sister than anything else. However, it did launch the career of Jon Heder and Efren Ramirez isn’t doing too shabby either.

The thing that bothers me the most about this film, or it may be the charm about it, is that you’re not exactly sure when it is set. It appears to be taking place in the 80s or so, then Kip talks about internet dating and stuff and it brings it into the present. I guess styles and stuff are supposed to be a little behind up there in Preston, Idaho.

This film is one of those polarizing type of movies that you either love i or hate it. Some may even flip flop on it. For me, I love it, but then I like most comedies if they can make me laugh, and this one definitely does it. The 80s music helps the movie’s cause out a bit, as well. This a must-see!

5 out of 5 stars

Movies that should be made

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on December 1, 2008 by Mystery Man

A while back I posted a blog entitled “Movies that should not be made” in which I vented my frustrations about movies thatshould never have been made. Some feedback I’ve received from that particular post have been inquiries into what movies do I think should be made. This got me to thinking, if I could make films, what would I want to see?

Well, I’ll tell you. Keep in mind, this is MY opinion and by no means are any of these in production, unless otherwise noted.

Let’s start with Disney and Pixar. shall we. Toy Story 3 and Cars 2 are currently set to be released in 2010 or so. I don’t have any real issue with either, but The Incredibles set itself up for a sequel, yet there are no plans for one, last I checked. The excuse is that the video game is the sequel. WTF?!? Even Lilo & Stitch got a sequel (or 2) plus a cartoon on Disney channel (in the pre-Miley Cyrus days). Would it kill them to make an “Incredible” Incredibles sequel? Maybe even with the return of Syndrome and Mirage reveals she has some kind of superpower.

Disney is supposedly returning to their roots with the release of The Princess and the Frog(or whatever name it’s going by this week). Hopefully this will not be a one time thing, and they will remember what it was that made them what they are. Believe it or not, there are plenty of fairy tales and stories that haven’t been used yet. The Emperor’s New Clothes would be a good choice. Believe it or not, The Emperor’s New Groove is not based on that story. Don’t quote me, but I think that was an original story.

There have been quite a few biopics, especially in the last few years with such movies as Ray, Ali, Walk Hard, Invincible, etc. Up until January or so, there was supposed to be a movie based on the life of trumpet legend Chet Baker starring Josh Hartnett entitled The Prince of Cool. Unfortunately, something happened with the script and this was shelved. You can guess where I’m going with this, right? Isn’t it time Louis Armstrong had his own movie? Not sure who I would cast in the role or anything, but this severely overdue, but I’m sure it has something to do with the estate not wanting to give up the rights or some other legal mumbo jumbo.

Sports movies tend to do pretty well. Some better than others. NFL fans will no doubt remember last year when the New England Patriots nearly went through the entire season undefeated, until they ran in to the New York Giants in the Super Bowl. That in itself would have been a fairly decent movie, but the Pats had “Spygate” hanging over their head last season. I can totally see someone taking that drama and intrigue and make a pretty good movie.

Barack Obama just got elected as the first black/African-American president of the United States. Granted, he hasn’t taken office yet, but presidential movies seem to do well (excluding W). Of course, it would probably be more interesting to make this after he’s taken office and has been there for 4 (or maybe eight) years, but just his meteoric rise would be pretty good, too.

It seems that after last year’s successful Transformers film, that any and all cartoons from the 80s are all of a sudden fair game for the big screen. Last I heard, G.I. Joe, The Smurfs, andThundercats are all on tap to be released in the next couple of years. He-Man has been green lit, but that doesn’t necessarily mean it will get made. I would say it should be, but it better be infinitely superior to that Masters of the Universe monstrosity that was released in the late 80s, and it wouldn’t hurt them to have She Ra in there, possibly even lead to a spin off film for her. Also, M.A.S.K.would be pretty cool (look it up if you’ve never heard of it). I’m sure that some of you out there, especially female readers will probably say Jem should have one. I’m not going to argue with you on that one, but Jem is so totally 80s, to release a movie about her in this day and age you would either have to make her vintage 80s, or update her. Vintage sounds better to me, at least she won’t be manufactured like many singers are these days.

TV shows seem to be hit or miss when it comes to bringing them to the big screen. Get Smartwas awesome and raked in the big bucks, but barely resembles the original show. The same formula can be said about Starsky & Hutch. The movie was a comedy, whereas the original show was a cop drama. I love I Love Lucy, but I’ve heard rumblings about a big screen version. How in the bloody hell are they going to pull that off? You can’t have I Love Lucy without Lucy! On top of that, Jessica Alba is rumored to star in the I Dream of Jeannie big screen adaptation. Not sure what I think about that. If I had to take something from the small screen and put it on the big screen, why not Mork & Mindy?Robin Williams may or may not be too old to be Mork these days, depending on what direction is taken with the film, and the actress that played Mindy has disappeared into obscurity, but I believe this could be pretty good, if its done right.

Superhero movies are the big thing right now. Marvel Comics has the upperhand with movies given to Blade, X-Men, Spider Man, Ghost Rider, Fantastic Four, Hulk,  The Punisher, Daredevil, Elektra, Iron Man and upcoming films for Wolverine, Captain America, Thor, The Avengers, Magneto, and S.H.I.E.L.D.  DC comics seems to be determined to depress folks these days with their slate of superhero films, Superman, Batman, and the as yet unreleased Watchmen. Also on tap for them is a Justice League of America film. Oh, and Hellboy, Spawn, Men in Black and V for Vendetta are also comic book movies by various companies.

All this leads me to my final movies that need to be made. In the late 80s-early 90s The Flash had a TV show that was pretty good, but since then he has been relegated to comic relief. Nothing wrong with that when he’s with a group, but as a character, he deserves so much more, like maybe his own movie! In the 70s, Linda Carter was Wonder Woman on TV. Since then she hasn’t been seen on any type of screen other than in animated series form…oh and the occasional Halloween costume (see Emily Deschanel in costume on Bones).

I swear every actress in Hollywood has been rumored to be Wonder Woman, including Beyonce (WTF?!?). Personally, if I was casting for WW, my top 3 would be Lucy Lawless, Jessica Biel, and the Chyna (back in the day before she had all the plastic surgery). Apparently, some actress named Megan Gale is rumored to play her in a Justice League movie. Don’t ask me who she is, I have no idea. I just know, there have been like a gazillion Batman and Supeman movies, yet Wonder Woman and the Flash have been relegated to their TV history.

On the Marvel side, not sure who is left that could make a good movie that isn’t alresdy in production other than She-Hulk. Since Edward Norton is being difficult about making a sequel to The Incredible Hulk, why not give Hulk’s cousin, She-Hulk a movie. I’m sure they can put the whole blood transfusion in there to explain her origin, maybe eve in flashback form if Norton wants to be all difficult. Not sure who I’d cast in the title role, though. Don’t necessarily need someone all muscular, since She-Hulk is actually normal sized…well, maybe a bit taller and muscular, but nothing like The Hulk.

Musicals seem to be making a comeback these days, what with the success of Hairspray, High School Musical 1,2, & 3, Sweeney Todd, etc. Wicked  has been announced, but that’s about it. I’d love to see that get made, especially if they use Kristen Chenoweth and Idina Menzel in their respective roles. Since that is already in the works, though, I would love to see Avenue Q or George Gershwin’s Crazy for You. Of course, I’m not so sure how the latter would work with today’s audiences.

On top of these, there are a few other ideas that may or may not make good movies…these seem destined for tV movies or direct to DVD, though:

Napoleon Dynamite prequel: what happened to his parents?

Beetlejuice prequel:  how did he die and why do you have to say his name 3 times?

Pulp Fiction: The mystery of the suitcase, and what exactly did Vincent and Jules have to do to get it

I’m sure I’ll think of like a million more as soon as I post this, but this is just a sample of what I think would be good to be made. I know you all have your own ideas of what should be made. So, share your thoughts. What do you think of mine? What do you have in mind?