Archive for February 17, 2012


Posted in Comedy, Movie Reviews with tags , , , , , on February 17, 2012 by Mystery Man

PLOT (spoiler alert!!!):

Scotty Palmer (Grant Cramer) is portrayed as a down on his luck con man who gets kicked out of his home. Scotty soon finds three older divorcees who have a lot of money, however they do not have a trait that Scotty possesses, moxie with women. They agree to let Scotty stay with them at their beach house, if he returns the favor by teaching them how to pick up women.

Scotty shows them how to “dialog” women by giving them a dose of the old BBD (Bigger and Better Deal). Along this journey, Scotty loses his playboy ways and falls in love with Kristi (played by Teal Roberts). Kristi, knowing Scotty’s playboy past, puts up with his ups and downs early on in the movie but later insists that he change his ways. Scotty recognizes that Kristi is ultimately more important than the empty life he has led up until now and changes his ways.


Before the days of the American Pie films, sex comedies relied more on raunchy jokes and situations, rather than sexual depravity.Hardbodiesis good example of both worlds, though.

I use the term good, loosely, though. There really isn’t anything good about this film.

First off, here it is nearly 30 years after its release and no one from this cast has gone on to do anything else of this scope, not even commercials! Shouldn’t that be a red flag?

The story about some guy who gets evicted from his place only to have a chance run in with 3 middle-aged me who are looking to pick up women on the beach, but don’t have the know how they had in their prime. This eventually backfires and the leader of the group of men and the teen become rivals. Who didn’t see that coming, right?

In theory, this film should have been a pleasure, but it didn’t turn out that way. While I will never object to seeing a bevy of bikini clad beauties, that cannot make up for a pathetic plot and even worse acting. I think you can guess what I really think about this, it is quite obvious. You would be best served avoiding this like the plague. No, it isn’t as bad as some random soft core porn that Netflix likes to recommend no matter what you watch, but it is pretty bad.

1 3/4 out of 5 stars