Archive for Christina Taylor

Zoolander no. 2

Posted in Comedy, Movie Reviews with tags , , , , , , , , on February 16, 2017 by Mystery Man


Ten years after their ascent to fashion stardom, male models Derek and Hansel are attempting to resurrect their fading careers, but this time they face some serious opposition from the competition.

What people are saying:

Zoolander No. 2 has more celebrity cameos than laughs — and its meager handful of memorable gags outnumbers the few worthwhile ideas discernible in its scattershot rehash of a script” 2 1/2 out of 5 stars

“Totally ludicrous sequel to Zoolander gets funnier as it goes along and certainly can’t be dismissed as a pointless re-iteration of the first one, as it may seem on the surface.” 2 1/2 out of 5 stars

“15 years wasted for the sequel from the original that is cliché and unfunny, tho it’s entertaining but not like the original. The characters were perfect in the original, but this (including the new cast) sequel made the characters really annoying. I suggest you to watch the original “Zoolander” over this piece of crap.” 1/2 star out of 5 stars

“For a fun, brainless show with a lot of WTF moments that are artistically done, very good and entertaining. Will Farrel was funnier in weatherman, and Ben stiller did a great job.” 4 stars

“Painful, painful, painful is the only way I can describe the new “Zoolander 2”. All of the satire, cleverness and humor in “Zoolander” has been destroyed in “Zoolander 2”. Lots more violence, sophomoric humor, and a plot that is just plain bad. Wilson and Stiller try to make it watchable but the script, pacing and so many other things just won’t make it shine. The plot is something about Zoolander and Hansel being has-beens who have gone into hiding for various personal reasons. There’s some type of nefarious plot involving the world’s fashion leaders and pop stars that a ten-year-old could have figured out but it takes practically the whole cast to sort it out. The ending is so bizarre, and not bizarre in a good way, and stupid it makes me wish I had those two hours back. On the opening night at our movie theater, there were ten people in a theater that holds three hundred or so. “Star Wars: The Force Awakens” had to have two showings on opening night because of the crowds. Watch “Zoolander” again and forget this seque” 1 star