Archive for knights of the round table


Posted in Movie Reviews, Sci-Fi/Fantasy with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , on April 12, 2014 by Mystery Man

PLOT (spoiler alert!!!):

The sorcerer Merlin retrieves Excalibur from the Lady of the Lake for Uther Pendragon, who secures a brief alliance with Gorlois, the Duke of Cornwall. Uther’s lust for Cornwall’s wife Igrayne soon ruins the truce, and Merlin agrees to help Uther to seduce Igrayne on the condition that he gives Merlin whatever results from his lust. Merlin transforms Uther into Cornwall’s likeness with the Charm of Making. Cornwall’s daughter Morgana senses her father’s mortal injury during his assault on Uther’s camp and, while Igrayne is fooled by the disguise and Uther impregnates her, Morgana sees through it, watching Uther as Cornwall dies in battle. Nine months later, Merlin takes Uther’s son Arthur. Uther pursues but is mortally wounded by Gorlois’ knights. Uther thrusts Excalibur into a stone, and Merlin proclaims that “he who draws the sword from the stone, he shall be king.”

Years later Sir Ector and his sons, Kay and Arthur, attend a jousting tournament. Sir Leondegrance wins the chance to try pulling Excalibur from the stone, but fails. Kay’s sword is later stolen, and Arthur pulls Excalibur from the stone while trying to stop the thief. Word spreads, and Merlin announces to the crowd that Arthur is Uther’s son and hence the rightful ruler. Leondegrance immediately proclaims his support for the new king, but not all are willing to accept. While the others argue, Merlin and Arthur enter the forest, where he tells Arthur that he is the rightful king, and that the king and the land are one. Overwhelmed, Arthur falls into a long sleep. When he wakes, Arthur goes to aid Leondegrance, whose castle is under siege by Arthur’s enemies, led by Sir Uryens. During the battle, Arthur defeats Uryens and then demands Uryens knight him, handing him Excalibur to do so. Uryens is tempted to kill him but is deeply moved by Arthur’s display of faith and decides to knight him. Uryens falls to his knees to declare his loyalty, which leads the others to follow suit. Arthur meets Leondegrance’s daughter Guenevere soon afterwards and is smitten, but Merlin foresees this leading to future problems.

Years later, the undefeated knight Lancelot blocks a bridge and will not move until he is defeated in single combat, seeking a king worthy of his sword. Lancelot defeats Arthur and his knights, so Arthur summons Excalibur’s magic and defeats Lancelot, but Excalibur breaks. Arthur is ashamed of abusing the sword’s power to serve his own vanity and throws the sword’s remains into the lake, while admitting his mistake. The Lady of the Lake offers a restored Excalibur to the king, Lancelot is revived, and Arthur and his knights unify the land. Arthur creates the Round Table, builds Camelot, and marries Guenevere while Lancelot confesses that he has also fallen in love with her. Arthur’s half-sister Morgana, a budding sorceress and still bitter towards Arthur, becomes apprenticed to Merlin in hopes of learning the Charm of Making from him.

Lancelot stays away from the Round Table to avoid Guenevere. He meets Perceval, a peasant boy, and takes him to Camelot to become a squire. Sir Gawain, under Morgana’s influence, accuses Guenevere of driving Lancelot away, “driven from us by a woman’s desire”, forcing Lancelot to duel Gawain to defend his and Guenevere’s honour. The preceding night, Lancelot duels himself in a nightmare and awakens to find himself wounded by his own sword. Arthur hastily knights Perceval when Lancelot is late to the duel, but Lancelot appears just in time and defeats Gawain while nearly dying from his wounds. Merlin heals him, and he rides out to the forest to rest. Guenevere realises her feelings for Lancelot and they consummate their love in the forest; meanwhile, Merlin lures Morgana to his lair to trap her, suspecting that she is plotting against Arthur.

Arthur finds Guenevere and Lancelot asleep together. Heartbroken at their betrayal, he thrusts Excalibur into the ground between the sleeping couple. Merlin’s magical link to the land impales him on the sword, and Morgana seizes the opportunity to trap him in a crystal with the Charm of Making. Morgana takes the form of Guenevere and seduces Arthur. On awakening to the sight of Excalibur, Lancelot flees in shame and Guenevere lies weeping.

Morgana bears a son, Mordred, and a curse, caused by Mordred’s unnatural, incestuous origin, strikes the land with famine and sickness. A broken Arthur sends his knights on a quest for the Holy Grail in hopes of restoring the land. Many of his knights die or are bewitched by Morgana. Morgana captures Perceval, who narrowly escapes. Perceval encounters an ugly bearded old man with armour under his tattered robes who preaches to followers that the kingdom has fallen because of “the sin of Pride”. A shocked Perceval recognises the man as Lancelot. After Perceval fails to convince Lancelot to come to Arthur’s aid, Lancelot and his followers throw Perceval into a river. Perceval has a vision of the Grail during which he realises that Arthur and the land are one. Upon answering the riddle he gains the Grail and takes it to Arthur, who drinks from it and is revitalised—as is the land, which springs into blossom.

Arthur finds Guenevere at a convent and they reconcile. She gives him Excalibur, which she has kept safe since the day she fled. Frustrated in preparation for battle against Morgana’s allies, Arthur calls to Merlin, unknowingly awakening the wizard from his enchanted slumber. Merlin and Arthur have one final conversation before Merlin vanishes. The wizard then appears to Morgana as a shadow and tricks her into uttering the Charm of Making, producing a fog from the breath of the Dragon, and exhausting her own magical powers which had kept her young. She rapidly ages and her own son kills her, repulsed by the sight of his once beautiful mother now reduced to a decrepit old crone.

Arthur and Mordred’s forces meet in battle, with Arthur’s army benefiting from the fog that conceals their small size. Lancelot arrives unexpectedly and turns the tide of battle, later collapsing from his old, self-inflicted wound, which had never healed. Arthur and Lancelot reconcile, and Lancelot dies with honor. Mordred stabs Arthur with a spear, but Arthur further impales himself to get closer and kills Mordred with Excalibur. Perceval refuses to carry out Arthur’s dying wish, that he throw Excalibur into a pool of calm water, reasoning that the sword is too valuable to be lost. Arthur tells him to do as he commands, and reassures him that one day a new king will come and the sword will return again. Perceval throws Excalibur into the pool, where the Lady of the Lake catches it. Perceval returns to see Arthur lying on a ship, attended by three ladies clad in white, sailing into the sun toward the Isle of Avalon.


I guess this is just a medieval type of weekend for me. Last night I watched A Knight’s Tale for the gazillionth time, tomorrow I’ll watch a few episodes of Merlin, per usual, and this evening it was time to give Excalibur a shot. Having heard mixed things about this film, I didn’t have any idea what to expect and now that it is over, I’m still pondering what to think.

What is this about?

After humble squire Arthur pulls the sword Excalibur from the stone, his actions beget Guenevere and Lancelot’s adultery, the changing balance of power between Merlin and Morgana, and the valiant quest for the Holy Grail.

What did I like?

Merlin. For most iterations, at least the ones that I am familiar with, Merlin is portrayed as a bit of comic relief. In the Dark Ages, this is very much needed. What I really like is how that the film takes lets him be the token funny guy, but not without being more of a jester than a wizard, even the Disney version is The Sword in the Stone takes him that far, but I’m sure there is a version out there somewhere that does. Say what will about the guy, it cannot be denied that he was a great man, and should be treated as such. Which begs to question, what is that thing on his head?!?

Early 80s. There is a shiny element to this film that you only see in early 80s films. For instance the knights all are wearing shiny armor reminiscent of the gods in Clash of the Titans and adult Mordred might as well have come straight from dancing at Xanadu! This is something that could be considered cheesy these days, but as someone who loves nostalgia, I was loving it, even if it may have been a bit much for this time period, especially since I highly doubt the knights’ armor was that shiny and chrome plated.

Lady in the Lake. I seem to recall the Lady of the Lake being featured in a Saturday morning cartoon. I’m sure she has been used in other movies and TV shows, but not many. It would seem that she is a very underutilized character in the Arthurian legend in other media. While she isn’t really used much here, either, it is nice to actually see her as more than a hand popping up out of the water for once.

What didn’t I like?

A little too much. Much like the origin and backstory of many of our superheroes today, there are many versions, spinoffs, etc. of the legend of King Arthur. This film tries to fit everything they can into one 2 hr film, and not successfully, I might add. The major issue I have is that nothing really gets the time it deserves, other than Merlin and, to a lesser extent Lancelot. Excalibur, Morgana, Uther, the Holy Grail, and parts of the legend that were left out all are shortchanged in favor of time. I think this film would have been better served focusing on one or two of the stories and going with that, rather than making an attempt to tell them all.

Green light. There is a mysterious green light that is in many of the scenes. At first I thought maybe it was Merlin’s “dragon”, something in the forest, or just low-budget lighting that didn’t get picked up. At any rate, it was distracting, especially for a film that was so much more on the dark side of things. This green light might as well have been the kind of lights you see in amusement park rides.

Pacing. Slow and steady wins the race, right? Well, not in the case of action flicks. This film seemed to drag in parts, right at the point where it seemed as if it was going to pick up. For me, I like films that keep it moving, so this wasn’t to my liking. Is it too much to ask for a film to keep things moving? I guess this is why I like those mindless action films so much. At least they don’t have long stretches of uninteresting material.

Excalibur is a decent enough film, but I couldn’t help but find my mind wandering to Monty Python & the Holy Grail as I was watching and holding back the laughter, especially in a scenes where Uther cuts off one of the limbs of an opposing knight with Excalibur and it is reminiscent of the Black Knight scene. So, as I sit her pondering what it is that I ultimately thought about this film, I can’t say that I can fully recommend it at this time, unless you’re just into second-rate Arthurian lore. If you are, give it a shot, otherwise pass on by.

3 out of 5 stars

First Knight

Posted in Action/Adventure, Drama, Movie Reviews with tags , , , , , , , , , , on July 26, 2009 by Mystery Man


The film’s opening text establishes that King Arthur of Camelot, victorious from his wars, has dedicated his reign to promoting justice and peace and now wishes to marry. However, Malagant, a Knight of the Round Table, desires the throne for himself and rebels.

The movie opens with Lancelot, a vagabond and skilled swordsman, dueling in small villages for money. Lancelot attributes his skill to his lack of concern whether he lives or dies. Guinevere, the ruler of Leonesse, decides to marry Arthur partly out of admiration and partly for security against Malagant, who is shown raiding a village. While traveling, Lancelot chances by Guinevere’s carriage on the way to Camelot, and helps spoil Malagant’s ambush meant to kidnap her. He falls in love with Guinevere, who refuses his advances. Though Lancelot urges her to follow her heart, Guinevere remains bound by her duty. She is subsequently reunited with her escort.

Later, Lancelot arrives in Camelot and successfully navigates an obstacle course on the prospect of a kiss from Guinevere, though he instead kisses her hand. He also wins an audience with her husband-to-be, Arthur. Impressed by Lancelot’s courage and struck by his recklessness and freewheeling, Arthur shows him the Round Table which symbolizes a life of service and brotherhood. Guinevere is subsequently kidnapped by Malagant’s followers and imprisoned in an oubliette. Lancelot poses as a messenger to Malagant only to escape with Guinevere and return her to Camelot. Once again, Lancelot tries to win her heart, but is unsuccessful. On the return journey, it is revealed that Lancelot was orphaned and rendered homeless after bandits attacked his village, and has been wandering ever since.

In gratitude, Arthur offers Lancelot a higher calling in life as a Knight of the Round Table. Amidst the protests of the other Knights (who are suspicious of his station), and of Guinevere (who struggles with her feelings for him), Lancelot accepts and takes Malagant’s place at the Table, saying he has found something to care about. Arthur and Guinevere are subsequently wedded. However, a messenger from Leonesse arrives, with news that Malagant has invaded. Arthur leads his troops to Leonesse and successfully defeats Malagant’s forces. Lancelot wins the respect of the other Knights with his prowess in battle. He also learns to embrace Arthur’s philosophy, moved by the plight of villagers.

Lancelot feels guilty about his feelings for the queen and in private announces his departure to her. She grants him a kiss, which turns into a passionate embrace, just in time for the king to interrupt. Though Guinevere claims to love both Arthur and Lancelot – albeit in different ways – the two are charged with treason. The open trial in the great square of Camelot is interrupted by a surprise invasion by Malagant, ready to burn Camelot and kill Arthur if he does not swear fealty. Instead Arthur commands his subjects to fight, and Malagant’s men shoot him with crossbows. A battle between Malagant’s men and Camelot’s soldiers and citizens ensues, and Lancelot and Malagant face off. Disarmed, Lancelot seizes Arthur’s fallen sword and kills Malagant. The people of Camelot win the battle, but Arthur dies of his wounds. On his deathbed, he asks Lancelot to “take care of her for me” – a double entendre referring to both Camelot and Guinevere. The movie closes with a funeral raft carrying Arthur’s body floating out to sea, which is set aflame.


Medieval times are probably my third favorite era in history, possibly second on film. I’m not the type to dress up and head to Ren-Fairs or anything, but I do like a few things from that period in time. One of these things is the legend of King Arthur and his Knights of the Round Table.

Lancelot is hands down, one ofthe most popular of Arthur’s knights. Richard Gere brings him to the screen in a way that mnay of the legends tend to forget, and that is he makes him a bot of a rouge looking for his way in the world.

Julia Ormond is great as Lady Guinevere. Her beauty is matched only by her talent. This is not an easy character to play, and she does so flawlessly.

Sean Connery lives for roles such as this, but I have to wonder if he ever tires of playing Arthur or King Richard. It seems like he’s always one or the other in these films. Having said that, this is one of the few times where he actually gets to star, rather than cameo as Arthur.

I don’t know much abpit Malagant, but apparently he is a very important part in the Arthurian legends. This film does a good job of bringing him to the knowledge of people like me who don’t know about him.

Camelot looks beautiful in this film. Its the kind of place you definitely wanted to live in back then, and may even still want to live there today. The set the used, or castle they found is breathtaking.

There are two major fight scenes in this film. The first is Lancelot saving Guinevere from Malagant’s clutches and shows off his stunt double’s skills. The second is the climactic battle for Camelot. For such an epic battle, I kind of felt a little let down, but it was still pretty good.

This film could have gone one of two ways. There was the action route, which they focus on here and there and there’s the drama angle which they use for a good chunk of the film. As good as this film is, I think it would have been better served as an action picture than a drama. Still, the dramatic parts are pretty good, mainly because of two of the most talented actors of our time, Richard Gere and Sean Connery. This, mixed with the very well choreographed fight scenes make for a very entertaining picture.

4 out of 5 stars

Monty Python & The Holy Grail

Posted in Comedy, Movie Reviews, Spoofs & Satire with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on August 18, 2008 by Mystery Man


Who is Monty Python anyway? lol


King Arthur is recruiting his Knights of the Round Table throughout England. He is frustrated at every turn by anarcho-syndicalist peasants, a Black Knight that refuses to give up despite losing both his arms and legs, and guards that are more concerned with the flight patterns of swallows than their lord and master. Finally he meets up with Sir Bedevere the Wise, Sir Lancelot the Brave, Sir Galahad the Pure (also called “the Chaste”), Sir Robin the Not-Quite-So-Brave-As-Sir-Lancelot, “and the aptly-named Sir Not-Appearing-in-this-Film.” They declare themselves the Knights of the Round Table. When ‘riding’ to Camelot, they are given a quest by God (represented by an animated photograph of legendary cricket figure WG Grace) to find the Holy Grail.

They encounter a castle with a Frenchman who randomly taunts them with names like ‘Daffy English knnnnnnigghits’ and odd insults such as, “I fart in your general direction!” and “Your mother was a hamster and your father smelt of elderberries!” The Knights then retreat, weathering a barrage of livestock. Arthur decides that he and his knights should search for the Grail individually. After they split up, Sir Robin travels through a forest with his favourite minstrels, and encounters a Three-Headed Giant, Galahad follows a Grail-shaped light to the perils of Castle Anthrax (the girls of which are very interested in having oral sex with him), Sir Lancelot massacres a wedding at Swamp Castle, and Arthur and Bedevere encounter the dreaded Knights who say Ni, who want a shrubbery. They each overcome their individual perils (usually by “bravely running away”) and reunite to face a bleak and terrible winter, the happenings of which are told in the form of a Gilliam animation. After this they venture further to a pyromaniac enchanter named “Tim,” who takes them to a cave guarded by a killer rabbit.

After killing the vicious Rabbit of Caerbannog with the Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch, the knights face the Legendary Black Beast of Aaargh in another animated scene, escaping this peril after the animator suffers a fatal heart attack. Their final task is to cross the Bridge of Death, which is guarded by “the old man from scene 24.” Only Arthur, Bedevere, and Lancelot survive to arrive at Castle Aaargh, whereupon they face the French taunter once more and find that the whole thing has been a wild goose chase. The film ends abruptly when a group of modern police (for the 1970s) interrupt the climactic battle scene to arrest Bedevere and King Arthur for the murder of the “famous historian,” who was earlier seen cut down by a unidentified knight while he was presenting a television program on a topic from the film’s supposed era.


This is one of those movies that has gained cult status over the years. It’s not very hard to see why. There are many memorable lines from the film. Why, I even had a roommate who had most of the lines programmed to play when certain commands or actions were performed on his computer.

The film moves along at a pretty brisk pace, and doesn’t lag, which is a good thing for those of us with short attention spans. There are plenty of funny moments, after all this is a movie made by a comedy troupe. It would pretty much suck if it weren’t. The debates about the air speed velocity of swallows at the beginning may seem pointless, but as the movie moves on, you see that little bit of information, comes in very handy.

The only issue I have with the film regards the reporter that was killed and all the hoopla surrounding his murder including the investigation. i know it was meant as another gag or what-have-you, but I just didn’t care for it.

4 1/2 out of 5 stars